IoT for independent living

There are multiple new PhD opportunities in Computer Science at Heriot-Watt University. Please check this link below to find more details:

PhD opportunities in Computer Science

Edinburgh Centre for Robotics Website

Please note: Full CV and mark transcripts from all relevant degrees is essential for full applications.

PhD opportunities in ITT groups:

If you are interested, please click this link to find out how to apply.

Developing Socially Assistive Robots that can Deliver Cognitive Assessments in Care Settings

Supervisor: Dr.Theodoros Georgiou

People for a variety of reasons may live on their own while still requiring access to health and care mechanisms. A “round the clock” carer may not be available through national health services or be within the budget of people needing them. Traditional monitoring devices such as cctv cameras, is also seen very rightfully by many as a big invasion of privacy.

The aim of this project is to develop a discrete IoT system of sensors that can infer activities of daily living when certain actions or series of actions are detected or completed. The successful PhD candidate will need to have a strong background in HCI methods. Strong motivation or the ability to design and make prototype sensors is desired.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me at for an informal discussion about this project and how our interests fit together.