Developing Socially Assistive Robots that can Deliver Cognitive Assessments in Care Settings
There are multiple new PhD opportunities in Computer Science at Heriot-Watt University. Please check this link below to find more details:
PhD opportunities in Computer Science
Edinburgh Centre for Robotics Website
Please note: Full CV and mark transcripts from all relevant degrees is essential for full applications.
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Developing Socially Assistive Robots that can Deliver Cognitive Assessments in Care Settings
Supervisor: Prof Lynne Baillie
Current assessment methods have subjective measures to assess cognition. For example, the CAM-ICU uses the Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) which is a subjective measure of the patient’s agitation level. The assessment is subjective and the outcomes different based on who administers the test. The aim of this PhD is to develop and evaluate a novel system for early assessment of the CAM-ICU or similar cognition tests (e.g. 4AT) in vulnerable populations, such as those receiving care in the ICU or assistive living care homes, facilitated by socially assistive robots and Machine Learning. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at for an informal discussion about this project and how our interests fit together.