Using rhythm for physical rehabilitation

There are multiple new PhD opportunities in Computer Science at Heriot-Watt University. Please check this link below to find more details:

PhD opportunities in Computer Science

Edinburgh Centre for Robotics Website

Please note: Full CV and mark transcripts from all relevant degrees is essential for full applications.

PhD opportunities in ITT groups:

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Developing Socially Assistive Robots that can Deliver Cognitive Assessments in Care Settings

Supervisor: Dr.Theodoros Georgiou

It is a known fact that rhythm can be used help during rehabilitation of many neurological conditions such as hemiparesis, Huntington’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease. Due to the ease of application, rhythm is most commonly applied to patients during sessions with their physiotherapist through auditory means. However, there are situations where this may not be desirable where social and environmental awareness is important.

Aim will be to explore other methods and modalities of introducing rhythm for rehabilitation purposes, such as through the haptic and the visual channel. The successful PhD candidate will have access to rehabilitation equipment located at the National Robotarium as well as facilities to explore prototype solutions for their studies.

This PhD project is highly interdisciplinary, and the successful PhD candidate will need to have a strong background in HCI methods and the ability to learn how to implement prototype software solutions on commercially available rehabilitation hardware.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me at for an informal discussion about this project and how our interests fit together.